AkzoNobel has a unique heritage in the supplying on lacquer and coatings for the professional wood working industry. Our DNA is made up of the best of Europe, specifically we are able to bring together over 250 years of expertise from our laboratories in Italy, Sweden and Germany into the most comprehensive and innovative products for the wood working industry in Europe.
Underlining “Our Passion for Wood” we are pleased to be able to combine the offer into one complete range.
Designed for excellence. Centred on our world leading acrylic polyurethanes (Quantum range) which we have designed to provide a clean dynamic finish to compliment your high end designs for interior woodworking, the offer is further complimented by a large variety of products typically found in the German market, including natural oils and waxes (Nature range).
Designed to impress. When the wood working industry needs an extra design and flair it turns to Italy as home of some of the foremost wood designers in the world. Our range of traditional products (Solido alkyd PUs) have been developed hand in hand with the industry, originally under the world renown ICLA brand. Our passion is to ensure your overall design is both enhanced and complimented by our beautiful lacquers.
Designed to be minimalistic and futuristic. Swedish and Nordic designs are well established in the wood industry. At AkzoNobel we work with some of the largest Nordic furniture producers, always looking to new and more sustainable ways of delivering more, with less environmental impact.
Recent developments have allowed us to bring formaldehyde free acid catalysed (Duracid FFAC) technology to the market alongside state of the art water-based finishes (Aqualit low VOC products) which deliver on market leading stain resistance and improved sustainability.